Helix Magnetics Research



Helix Magnetics Research®

Leading the way in Helix Motor Research


Director of Research

John Steven Aiken


The Helix Rotation Concept

Version Beta 0.5

February 26, 2019


Researching the

*Helix Magnetic Engine*

An Innovative approach to harnessing pure magnetic energy.


*Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor*

Basic Concept Introduction Application: USPTO #15487531

World Intellectual Property Orgainization

International Patent Cooperation Treaty Application PCT/US17/33790


*Helix Induction Motor*

 Comercialized Induction Motor for Helix Rotation Concept


“The Helix Rotation Concept, is a Benchmark Discovery in the History of an Intelligent Species”


     The discovery of the Helix Rotation Concept, is like a science fiction novel, or something out of the Twilight Zone, but in reality, it is a revolutionary new achievement in human engineering. With Humankind's discovery of the Helix Motor Concept, that knowledge cannot go back into Pandora's box.


     It is a difficult task to reorient the mindset of the engineers that will design and build the helix motors. From birth, every human has been taught and shown the two-dimensional Orbital Rotation Concept as the only way to achieve rotation. Humans that have specialized in engineering have learned that concept even more deeply. If the top 100 most brilliant electrical and mechanical engineers in the world, are placed in the same room, and asked one question, it can be show that they never have imagined the new concept. They would be asked this simple question, "Is there any way to exponentially improve the maximum performance of the largest electromagnetic motors?" Almost everyone would at first say it is not possible to make that great of an improvement. They would then say that they could incrementally improve the performance by using neodymium magnets, or using superconductors, or using exotic high temperature conducting materials, or innovative cooling systems, but not a single one of the engineer or scientist, would consider reengineering the basic concept of how an electromagnetic motor creates rotation. The concept of a magnetic pulse orbiting the axis of a shaft while interacting with a perpendicular armature is believed to be the only way it can be done, and thus is an unspoken engineering axiom. If they were then told that a linear magnetic pulse traversing parallel to the axis can also produce rotational motion, they would at first scoff at the idea, then they would say it is impossible, not realistic, and dismiss the thought out of mind. Absolutely ridiculous! The Helix Motor does just that by achieving rotation using a linear electromagnetic pulse interacting with a spiral helix magnetic array. It is revolutionary concept, but it uses simple, pure, basic physics that is easy to understand. All that is different, is that the concept of how to create rotation has been reengineered. The three-dimensional Helix Rotation Concept completely changes the equations for high level rotational power and allows power levels unachievable with the Orbital Rotation Concept presently used. To the people that have tried to understand the new concept, almost invariably they asked this question, "If it is possible, then why hasn't it already been done?". The answer is very simple. No engineer or scientist has looked for it, and the thought to look for it, never entered their mind. The concept that I have discovered, can only be realized once in the history of an intelligent species, and that time has come.

     The state of the art, orbital magnetic pulse concept, for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy, has reached its technological limits for producing large scale, high speed rotational energy. The orbital pulse concept is technologically limited to slow  rotational speeds at high SHP outputs. The state of the art superconducting electromagnetic motor created by the US Navy, produces 49,000 SHP at 120 RPM's. They have proven that the state of the art, orbital pulse concept for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy, cannot achieve sufficient rotational speeds to direct drive a ship scale (>1 meter output diameter) water jet. The ratio between the motor output rotational speed, and the required impeller rotational speed, creates excessive mechanical stress for gear box transmission, preventing that engineering solution. The US Navy can confirm that there is not any electromagnetic motor technology available, or theorized, that will enable electromagnetic motors to direct drive ship scale water jets. Every ship scale water jet in the world is powered by diesel and/or fuel turbine motors. The Helix Motor does not have the same rotational speed limits as the orbital pulse motor, since its basic principle of rotation creation is completely different. The Helix Motor is the new State Of The Art for the large scale, high rotational speed, conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy.




Research Project I

The Helix Magnetic Engine


Leveraging Magnetic Torque for Magnetic Energy Extraction

A New Potential Concept to Break Through the Magnetic Barrier to Energy Production


          Most known magnetic motor designs, attempt to use angular momentum to push through the Maximum Magnetic Attraction Point(s). (Equilibrium always occurs.) Torque utilization, is a magnet motor concept that extensive research shows, has not been tried to any extent, and the attempts have been with non-feasible designs. The power of Magnetics, is in the great torque they produce with their great magnetic attraction. Magnetic Attraction (Positive Force) is a statistically significant, greater force than Magnetic Repulsion. It is a higher order force than repulsion (Negative Force).


The Evolution of Motion by Natural Magnetics


          The first practical method to achieve motion with magnets usually involved a magnet on a shaft that was cantilevered in some way with other magnets to create rocking motions. The devices would create some motion based on the amount of given energy input. A hundred years were spent working on that concept. It is no longer worked with except as a form of art.

          The next concept was inspired by the method used to achieve motion in electromagnetic motors, the push-pull concept. The main problem of using that concept, is that electromagnetic motors have polarity control, and magnetic motors do not. The magnetic motor method used, is to try and create a plainer rotor that is unbalanced in one direction, where the magnetic attraction and repulsion is unequal, without having a equilibrium point. That has proven to be unattainable to a very high machined precision level. Many serious attempts have been made using this concept. Some of the best attempts appeared strong enough to make some people believe it to be true when it was in fact not true. Research into this concept continues to no avail.

          The third concept to be created is the magnetic gradient. It was conceived in the 1970's by a Japanese company for which they received a patent for the idea. The method uses a stator ring which contains magnets at closer and closer proximity to a rotating arm with a magnet attached that is pulled around the ring by the increasing magnetic attraction. It always stops at the maximum attraction point. The Japanese company used an electromagnet pulse to pull the rotor past the maximum attraction point. It is a 2-dimensional flat disk design which will pull the rotator through over 300 degrees of movement. The concept showed that motion could be created with a magnetic gradient but the execution of the design is a dead end for further rotation.

          The concept of a magnetic gradient is continued in the motive force, but the design concept brings a 3-dimensional aspect to magnetic motion.


          All current best attempt magnetic motor designs use Angular Momentum in the attempt to break the magnetic barrier of equilibrium. Unfortunately, momentum by itself, cannot overcome the Maximum Magnetic Attraction Point (MMAP), and the kinetic energy created in the form of momentum, is reabsorbed. A way has to be found to be able to convert some of that kinetic energy, into potential energy. Once in potential energy form, it can then be converted into net production energy.


The Magnetic Gradient:


The only know method to be able to extract any energy out of magnets has been the use of the magnetic gradient. Using methods to delay, or prevent magnet attraction impact, while deriving useful energy, have only been helpful in creating interesting, but useless electromagnetic motors. They are usually built as a junior college science project. By using the magnetic gradient, motion can be created that has useful kinetic energy. It will only do it once. If you want it to do it more than once, then energy must be input into the system to make it work again. Usually, more than what the magnets generate in return. But, it does show a true method to create motion, which in turn creates kinetic energy.


The New Concept:


          The new concept uses Torque (Lever (Class 2)), to try to overcome the MMAP barrier. All magnets have an attraction zone of great potential energy which can produce large amounts of kinetic energy. Trying to extract some of that kinetic energy into self-sustaining energy, is by the laws of all known physics, impossible with absolute certainty to the infinite degree. There is no known, or potentially known method, beyond the potential foreseeable future.


"This new concept may be a foreseeable method."


"This Revolutionary New Concept, in the Brilliantly conceived  Helix Magnetic Engine, uses the laws of nature, to change the equations, is just beyond genius.",

TechSci Today, July, 2018


          At best, with success, the physics world would simply reevaluate, open a new field of science, and say it was extracting the inherent energy contain in the magnets when they were produced, since any magnets used in such a device, will eventually demagnetize. That still follows the conservation of energy law. Permanent Magnet magnetic fields would be an incredibly powerful energy source if they can be harnessed.


          The problem is that it takes an equal amount of energy to stop, or avoid the kinetic energy of magnetic attraction, and it won't be able to repeat it without putting more energy into the system for repetition. Designs have tried to combine separate attraction events to boost each other, but each attraction, is an individual isolated space point event, and cannot be combined under current magnetic motor design concepts.


The Spiral Vortex Gate:


          The creation and use of a Spiral Vortex Gate may hold the potential to extract enough kinetic energy to create useable energy. It creates a constant magnetic attraction vortex, creating constant positive torque. If the total constant positive torque, exceeds the MMAP negative torque, then it would be self-sustaining, and extract the magnetic energy. This method may at least move the Magnetic Energy Generation technology a step closer to the foreseeable future. The method has the potential of shifting the torque curve to enhance the breakthrough potential as well. (Keeping as much of the magnetic fall in the highest torque producing area. Additional stators can be added that will be part of the magnetic fall though adding their own MMAP, but in a separate pulse point.) Does the length of the lever that reaches positive rotation torque, exceed reasonable construction? Does the ratio of the device size(power?) equal the ratio of the required magnetic gradient?


The basic design is a modified v-gate using just one side in circular vortex formation. The tracks will be angled to achieve maximum torque on the outer rim, and then the track will change smoothly to change the angle in the high magnetic region to reduce torque produced.


The Magnetic Gradient Creation:


Creating the magnetic gradient surrounding the stator bar, can be achieved using one, or more of the following:


Method A: Increasing the thickness of the magnetic pole. (It reaches a point of diminishing returns with a ratio of 3 to 1. - (depth/width))

Method B: Using increasing quality of magnets N35-N52.

Method C: Using a physical distance gradient between the stator magnet and the track magnets.

Method D: Using a magnet gradient with the track magnets as well.

Method E: Using sphere magnets.??


*There is little momentum generated with leverage, since the force is applied by torque. Some angular momentum will be generated, but the primary force is the torque magnified by leverage. Any inertia generated would be a net neutral force. If the leverage concept works then whatever energy created would probably come from a buildup of leftover momentum after pulling free of the MMAP.*


The Convergence Angle:


The greater the angle of the Stator/Track rotation angle, the steeper the gradient of the magnetic field must be, in order to achieve sufficient magnetic difference to create a positive rotational imbalance in the rotor track.


The Stator/Track rotation angle needs to be at a low angle in the high leveraged rotation degrees, and transitioning to a high Stator/Track rotation angle in the low leveraged rotation degrees. In other words, when the magnetic attraction is at the weakest, provide a low angle of interaction to maximize the amount of torque produced. In the high magnetic attraction rotation degrees, use the highest angle that will still result in rotation, but minimizes the torque produced to the lowest amount.


A high angle convergence angle might be achieved with a multiple direction gradient creation. The gradient becomes greater for both the length, and the width of the stator bar. Down the stator bar and across.


*The full degrees of rotation for the magnetic track should be more than 360 degrees. With the start of the track within the positive torque zone before the MMAP is reached. The number of degrees depends on the ratios of the magnetic track rotor to determine how many degrees to pass the magnetic entry point. It would need to be in the range of 7.5 to 15 degrees of extra track rotation.*


?Running the attraction track around the vortex with the tracks as close together high on maximum leverage torque as they can be with minimum magnetic convergence. As track approaches maximum magnetic attraction point the track quickly minimizes torque. There is only one track but there can be multiple stators spaced at minimum magnetic convergence at the MaxMag Point.


If Rotor Magnetic Torque Points thrust exceeds Maximum Magnetic Attraction Point Torque, then continuous rotation is achieved.


Does it produce enough torque to push through MaxMag Attraction Point (MMAP)?


The track begins at the beginning of MMAP.?


There must be half the diameter of the track magnet overstep to provide sufficient attraction to the next stator magnet plus gradient. The attraction fall is greater. The more the overlap between track magnets the slower the fall, and less torque produced. The less the overlap the faster the fall, and more torque produced. The stator and disk magnet track must be opposite poles. The track magnets need to be as close as possible.


The magnets on the stator, and the track, need to be angled towards each other at a slight angle of attack. That will create a more positive magnetic attraction. It will reduce the parallel convergence  repulsion effect.


The track/stator convergence angle is inversely connected to the torque produced. The lower the angle of convergence the higher the torque produced and the higher the convergence angle the lower the torque produced.


?If the convergence angle is reduced at the same rotation degree as the MMAP then additional torque will be produced at just the moment needed to push through MMAP. It would lead to a longer track and stator bar.?


The rotator will self-start when the stator(s) is/are placed into position. If there is enough torque created by the Stator torque points for 45 degrees of rotation to overcome the negative torque created by the MMAP Torque. It will slide the disk past the MMAP and repeat the process.


Is the torque produced enough to be able to pull it out of the magnetic well? If not, then it will simply stop. It would have little bounce back, but simply reach equilibrium. There is little conservation of momentum, since the process uses torque for motion.


The Stator is the unmovable object and the disk is the movable object, so the magnetic energy is converted into torque. It is magnifying the magnetic power with the leveraged torque conversion?


The stator gauss magnetic gradient needs to only increase just enough to maintain cylinder rotation to the final stator MMAP. The magnetic gradient gauss should only be high enough so that whatever degree the rotator is at, it will start/continue rotation from any point in the rotation.


"The hallmark of a true magnetic motor, is that it is self-starting when the stators are placed in run position. No external energy is needed to start rotation."


The maximum number of stator torque points per revolution is 8, due to the number of degrees needed for rotation, to move the rotator off of the MMAP.


Maximum MMAP Torque = MMT = 1.0

Maximum Single Stator Torque (must be) > .125


The higher the magnetic attraction, the faster the fall.


?The magnetic Pulse travels down the track and is converted into mechanical energy.


*The distance between the fulcrum (axle axis) and the lever (rotator surface) must be as close as possible to minimize all torque produced by the MMAP. It will also allow the tightest shear without the rubber band effect. The magnets separation must be Greater than the Point of Friction. The closer into the MMAP, the smaller the maximum effect degree zone is. The wall gets thinner the closer to the MaxMag Point. the stator and track magnets must be as close as possible together without touching. The magnetic gradient of the stator may be very high and difficult to overcome.*


Is the reduction in magnetic pulse leverage advantage, inversely proportional to the increase in magnetic attraction used to achieve the reduced leverage advantage? In effect, they would cancel each other out.


*The stator torque points will be negative torque until the fall reaches MMAP torque and then stator torque points will become positive torque. The fastest rotation occurs at the highest magnetic gradient. The lower gradient stator torque points rotate at a faster rate than their magnetic gradient achieves. When maximum negative torque occurs at the MMAP, the other stator torque points will all become positive torque points. If the positive torque exceeds the negative torque of the MMAP then rotation continues.*


The magnetic track can be angled for a 11.25 degree angle while the magnetic stator rail can be angled 5.625 degrees for an actual angle of magnetic attraction is 5.625 degrees as well. This will serve to reduce the length of the spiral rotator. Other angles can be used as well. The stator is longer and will curve over the rotor. (Difficult)

Magnetic Track Angle = 22.5 Degrees

Magnetic Stator Angle =

*Final calculations will be to determine the best angle possible to still allow multiple Magnetic Stators on the cylinder.*


The closer the angle of convergence, the higher the torque and speed of the magnetic pulse down the rail.


The Trillion Dollar question is, "Is there enough positive torque to complete rotation against the Maximum Magnetic Attraction Point (MMAP)?"



The cylinder design (Magnetic Gradient Demonstration Device) may prove to be easier to implement. End point might go perpendicular to axis with rotation leverage minimized for MMAP alignment. Putting the final attraction stator(s) on the end gives the greatest leverage to the lower level torque points.


What the cylinder design achieves, is to expand the current 2D concept of magnetic gradient motors, into the Third Dimension (3D). It will allow multiple additional concepts to be contemplated for increasing the magnetic torque.


*?The Bi-Spiral may show promise. Two spirals starting on opposite sides running parallel to each other and ending on opposites sides of the inner hole. (The break point) (Up to 8 Stators?)*


How does it work?

A magnetic attraction gradient creates torque utilizing a rotating spiral magnetic pulse track. The magnetic pulse track is only one continuous line. It starts at the lowest magnetic level at a high leverage position and ends at the highest magnetic point, at the lowest possible torque position.


The magnetic pulse travels down the pulse track while rotating the cylinder. The motor has eight stators. The pulse track circles the cylinder one time at a 45 degree convergence angle to the stators. The pulse is "Jumped" to the maximum attraction point on the end of the cylinder as close to the axis to allow a "Coasting" between stator maximum attraction points. The MMAP on each stator is just enough gauss to rotate the cylinder off of the high leverage main magnetic pulse track.  

If it can be built and work, it would probably be at an RPM range of 1000-3500 RPM. The fall velocity generated by strong magnets, can be greater than >200 MPH. The rotor would be able to spin as fast as that fall rate could allow. An interesting effect may occur at point, as the rotator speeds less and less time making one revolution, the amount of time that is spent at the MMAP becomes very short. A larger share of the time is spend in the Magnetic valleys that are between the different stator MMAP zones. The effect would be a "Coasting", " ??A body tends to stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. The mass itself tends to require a certain amount of time to respond to that outside influence, and the inertia developed may be enough to "Coast" past the MMAP(s)


Building Proof of Concept Device:


I have been constructing the first experimental device which is called, "Magnetic Gradient Demonstration Device". I built a metal frame that looks like a "Big Kid" version of an Erector Set.



Reasons For Failure:

The primary reason for failure will be for insufficient rotational torque to pass through MMAP.




Potential company names include Applied Magnetic Power Company (AMP or AMPCO), or my personal favorite, Aiken Magnetic Power Company. The motor would not even need to have a power output shaft. The spinning magnets can have copper coils in the correct location, and generate electricity from the passive coils. It would be a solid state device with only one moving part, the rotor.


"If the magnetic motor proves to be feasible, and can produce power, then humankind would enter the Magnetic Age, and a new world would be have begun."


Future Design Possibilities:

Have both stators on both the exterior and interior of the cylinder. Would need a single point axis though.


Magnetic Spiral Helix Engine Research Project

Proposed by: John S. Aiken

Helix Magnetics Research

January 1, 2016


Project Goals:

Goal 1: Create working prototype to laboratory grade precision machining for Concept A - Infinite Plain Three Dimensional Design.

Goal 2: Create working prototype to laboratory grade precision machining for Concept B - Leverage Reduction Three Dimensional Design.



Concept A Description:

Consist of a cylindrical parallel walled tube with a spiral helix iron node track (Patent) that curves once around the tube starting at one end and ending at the other end. (Parallel Spiral Helix) The iron nodes are perpendicular to the tube axis. Parallel to the tube axis is one or more Magnet Bar(s)(MagBar) with each magnet parallel to the adjacent magnet with like magnetic polarization side by side.


Concept B Description:

Consist of a cylindrical truncated cone tube with a iron node track that curves once around the tube starting at one end and ending at the other end. (Creates a Type 2 Lever from beginning to end of track.) The iron nodes are perpendicular to the tube axis. Parallel to the tube axis is one or more Magnet Bar(s)(MagBar) with each magnet parallel to the adjacent magnet with like magnetic polarization side by side.





1. The magnets do not form connecting magnetic field lines with any other magnets. The only connecting magnetic fields lines are between the iron nodes and each individual magnet. The individual magnet each iron node forms field lines with, is determined by the closest magnet to an individual iron node. The magnetic fields form a cone shaped field. For an eight(8) MagBar device, it would look like an eight slice pie stacked on top of many pies. There are sharp defining magnetic walls between magnet magnetic fields. Each magnet is only contained within its own "Magnetic Bubble Field" magnetic field. (Patent Iron Track?)


2. For a fully populated Magnetic Bar installation covering 360 degrees, it forms a magnetic cone with each individual Magnetic Bar creating a magnetic field confined to itself like a wedge. ( "Magnetic Wedge Field" ).


3. The closer the MagBars are together, it reduces the range(distance) that the magnets can form connecting lines with the iron nodes with clear separation between magnets field attraction zones. The magnetic field lines tend to form a spike shape  with the most constricted point at the center of the rotor. There is a magnetic "Wall", halfway between each MagBar which defines the beginning and end of a MagBars attraction zones.


4. Functions by magnetic attraction only. Magnetic repulsion does not occur at any rotation angle. As each iron node come under the influence of an individual magnets' "Magnetic Field Range", it "Joins", to that magnet only, and forms a connected magnetic interaction while passing through that magnetic field zone.


5. Eight MagBars is the theoretical minimum needed to reach equilibrium, where the minimum available positive torque equals the maximum negative torque at any point in the rotation.


6. Name of device is: Magnetic Spiral Helix Engine Research Prototype 1.0 (MERP - 1.0)


7. The Minimum Positive Torque must exceed the Maximum Negative Torque at any rotational angle to achieve rotation.


8. Hypothesis: Will creating  multiple independent linear magnetic impulses creating rotary motion, be able to achieve 360 degrees of positive torque?


9. The closer the MagBars are together the narrower and shorter the distance on the iron track each attraction zone becomes. ( The closer the MagBars are together, the less the number of degrees of the Negative Torque Zone. The "Slice" of the iron track interacted with becomes narrower, and it will also reduce the degree coverage of the balance point.)

          A. Eight(8) MagBars create attraction zones of 45 degrees per bar.

          B. Twelve(12) MagBars create attraction zones of 30 degrees.

          C. Eighteen(18) MagBars create attraction zones of 20 degrees.

          D. 360 / Number of MagBars = Attraction Zone Degree Coverage


10. A fully configured magnetic engine, has as many MagBars as necessary, to cover a rotors circumference.


11. Iron and magnets have a symbiotic relationship. In electric motors, electricity under control is used to magnetize the iron. In a Magnetic Engine, magnets are used to magnetize the iron with control limited to Mechanical Engineering design.


12. (Patent) Magnetic Engine Concept can be applied and converted to an Electromagnetic Engine which would be a new class of electromagnetic engines. It would become a Primary Conception Patent for opening up a new field of electromagnetic motors. It would be a new principal for achieving rotary motion using electromagnets. (See document: The Electromagnetic Spiral Engine )


13. The Aiken Magnetic Engine is a unique, revolutionary original thought concept for Humankind.


14. Positive Torque Track Zone - Any area of the Iron Node track that completely covers the MagBar Magnetic Attraction Zone over the full coverage degrees of that select MagBars zone.


15. The lower the convergence angle the higher the torque produced, and the greater the ratio between the cylinder length and the cylinder diameter. The higher the convergence angle the lower the torque produced and the lower the ratio between the cylinder length and the cylinder diameter..


16. The higher the ratio between the surface area of the magnetic field source, and surface area of the iron nodes, the higher the number of magnetic field line connections achievable. The higher the ratio the smoother the rotational movement.


17. (Patent)The ends of the iron node track must be parallel to the rotor axis. This will enable the track to enter and exit the "MagBar Magnetic Walls" with no overhang between magnetic zones.


18. The track iron nodes should be lined up so that the maximum number of iron nodes pass within one magnetic sources' magnetic zone on each MagBar.


19. Increasing the number of MagBars surrounding the spiral helix track, has the effect of reducing the number of degrees of the negative torque zone and increasing the number of degrees of positive torque zone. Theoretically, the negative torque zone could be reduced to one (1) degree or less with (359) degrees providing positive torque.





Potential Outcomes:

1. (50%) The Aiken Magnetic Engine (AME) is created, ushering in, "The Age of Magnetic Power" for Humankind.  (The Aikeoneon Conception of the Universe is recognized and acknowledged.)

2. (50%) The project does not succeed in achieving rotation for unknown reasons.

3. (100%) Creating a rotating cylinder using a magnetic gradient is patented.

4. (100%) Creating a new type of Electromagnetic Motor for a Primary Patent.


Sub Notes:

1. Create "Helix Magnetics Corporation", holding corporation for companies 2, 3, and 4.

2. Create "Helix Magnetics Engine Company"

3. Create "Helix Magnetics Energy Company"

4. Create "Helix Magnetics Electric Motor Company"


Prototype Goals:

Prototype 1.0 - 8 MagBars, Reach equilibrium.

Prototype 2.0 - 12 MagBars, Achieve rotation.

Prototype 3.0 - 12 MagBars, 3rd Generation Iron Rotor, Torque improvement.

Prototype 4.0 - 12 MagBars, Leverage Reduction Rotor, Torque improvement



Research Project II

The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor

( All DC Powered )


US Patent Pending #15487531 – INVENTION: Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor.


Patent Cooperation Treaty International Application Number: PCT/US17/33790

and the ARTICLE 34 AMENDMENTS filed in response to the international patent search preliminary report.


A new concept for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy has been discovered. US Patent Pending #15487531 – INVENTION: Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor. The current concept to convert electromagnetic energy into rotational energy uses an orbital magnetic pulse to drive an armature that is perpendicular to the axis. The magnetic pulse is either outside the armature radius or parallel to the radius (axial). That concept technologically limits the maximum potential output, and leads to thermal problems due to the confined magnetic interaction space around a single orbital stator which limits energy input density. The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor uses the concept of a linear magnetic pulse that runs parallel to the axis of a rotor to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy. The linear magnetic pulse interacts with a spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor. As the linear magnetic pulse traverses across the linear magnetic array parallel to the axis, it magnetically interacts with the spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor, creating rotational mechanical energy, the cycle then repeats creating continuous rotation. Increasing mechanical energy output is achieved primarily by increasing the length of the motor which increases the energy input capacity without increasing the average energy input density per cubic volume. The new concept removes the current technological limitations of maximum output power potential. High speed, gigawatt class electromagnetic motors are now achievable within the current confines of known technological production capabilities. Single shaft horsepower in excess of 1,000,000 SHP is technologically feasible within a 3 year time frame, and 250,000 SHP is constructible within 18 months. The ability to power planning hull ships is technologically feasible within 4 years. There are no technical challenges to the new technology. The only reason the new motors have not been built with the production technology that already exist, is that the concept has just been discovered. The new high speed planning ships will change the nature of naval warfare. The patent above has the design drawings for the construction of the first demonstration of concept machine.(48,000 estimated SHP) The estimated production cost is $10 per horsepower after development cost. The obviousness of the concept, becomes self evident the moment it is understood. No one was looking for it. Dreamers see things first.


Executive Summary Technical Description

The following device is for a new foundational concept for the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering fields.

A fundamental new concept for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy has been discovered. (US Patent Pending #15487531 – INVENTION: Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor. - International Application Number: PCT/US17/33790) (Patent Application Specification available upon email request.) The current concept to convert electromagnetic energy into rotational energy uses an orbital magnetic pulse to drive an armature that is perpendicular to the axis. All current electromagnetic rotational motors use this concept without exception. The magnetic pulse is either outside the armature radius or parallel to the radius (axial). That concept technologically limits the maximum potential output, and leads to thermal problems due to the confined magnetic interaction space around a single orbital stator which limits energy input density. The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor uses the concept of a linear magnetic pulse that runs parallel to the axis of a rotor to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy. The linear magnetic pulse interacts with a spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor. As the linear magnetic pulse traverses across the linear magnetic array parallel to the axis, it magnetically interacts with the spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor, creating rotational mechanical energy, the cycle then repeats creating continuous rotation. Increasing mechanical energy output is achieved primarily by increasing the length of the motor which increases the energy input capacity without increasing the average energy input density per cubic volume. The energy input per cubic volume can be kept low while still achieving increasingly higher mechanical energy output. The new concept removes the current technological limitations of maximum output power potential. High speed, gigawatt class electromagnetic motors are now achievable within the current confines of known technological production capabilities. There are no significant technical challenges to the new technology within the confines of current human technology limits. The obviousness of the concept becomes self evident the moment it is fully understood. This concept will initiate the founding an entirely new Electromechanical Engineering field known as Helix Motor Engineering.


     This proposal is for a fundamental new type of electromagnetic motor that overcomes the inherent limitations of current electromagnetic motor design in producing high speed revolution, and high rotational torque. (US Patent Pending #15487531 – INVENTION: Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor. - International Application Number: PCT/US17/33790) (Patent Application Specification available upon email request.) Under existing technology it is not possible to generate sufficient revolutions, and rotational torque, to power planning hull ships. The technology described in this proposal will enable propulsion systems to achieve sufficient revolutions and exponentially increased rotation torque on a single shaft to thrust ships to planning hull speed and beyond. The power output is available from zero RPM's, to maximum designed speed under complete digital control. Hull speeds are estimated to be in excess of 200 knots. The planning hull ships will be able to reach positions quickly, and only need to leave port for an active mission, or training cruise. The effective range of a fast ship is all but global. The technology will enable full scale naval vessels to have the ability to get into positions rapidly, and at very long distances. The requirement and cost to station conventional speed ships in distance places will be greatly reduced. The fleet is always kept in protected domestic anchorage and well maintained until a target needs to be engaged. The fleet quickly cruises to engagement distance before the target has time to prepare. The ability to rapidly engage from well beyond the curvature of the Earth enables the ultimate in naval tactical global advantage.


General Concept Explanation Information

     All current electromagnetic rotational motors use the concept of a virtual and/or actual magnetic pulse that orbits the axis while interacting sequentially with an armature that is perpendicular to the axis creating rotation. The orbital pulse motor concept has been the only known method to produce adequate rotational mechanical energy. The linear pulse motor is the only other known concept to produce useful mechanical energy, but it is very limited in its uses. The orbital pulse motor is a two dimensional concept, in that its operational functioning can be fully diagramed on a two dimensional plane. The linear pulse motor is a one dimensional concept, in that it traverses forward or backwards in one dimension.

     The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor utilizes the one dimensional linear pulse concept, combined with the two-dimensional orbital pulse concept, and extends the operational functionality into a three dimensional operational concept.  The three dimensional operation is achieved by reconfiguring a circular magnet array into a spiral helix magnet array, wherein a three hundred and sixty degree circular magnet rotor array, is virtually sliced and stretched out, with the ends remaining on the same plain, resulting in forming a spiral helix magnet array continuing to cover three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation.  The result is a spiral helix magnet array configured to extend around a rotor along its length. The stator electromagnets that surround an orbital pulse rotor are thereby reoriented into three dimensions by creating linear electromagnet assemblies that run parallel to the rotor axis so that the sequential magnetic pulses travel parallel to the axis. When energized in operation, the magnetic pulse traverses across the linear electromagnet array, with the pulse magnetically interacting with the spiral helix magnetic array creating rotation. The linear magnetic pulse then repeats the sequential magnetic pulse cycle, and thus creates continuous rotation.

     The Spiral Helix Motor concept demonstration device is in the Helix Magnetics Research facility so it is not available to be directly observed without personal travel to its location. In order to show an independent demonstration of the spiral helix motor concept principle, the YouTube video below is noted for observation. Unknowingly, without understanding, a  person has inadvertently demonstrated the basic concept principle that defines the spiral helix motor operating function. The person in the video is trying to demonstrate something entirely different beyond any current known physics, and it is of no relevance.

     The video below is best watched with the sound off, since no useful information is given other than visually. The title of the video, and the YouTube link, is as follows. (Skip to  time segment 1:55-2:08 and time segment 3:25-3:30, for the most relevant parts of the video demonstration.) (If the correct video does not show up because the link has changed, then a title search may be necessary.)


** “Magnet Motor, New Design Sine Wave Concept Idea, Free Alternative Energy, Sine Wave, Electric” **  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqt7oIGnEww


     The person is using a neodymium magnet to create a linear magnetic pulse traversing parallel to the axis, while interacting with two spiral magnet arrays on the rotor. The Spiral Helix Motor uses electromagnetic pulses to perform the exact same linear magnetic function. During the demonstration, the person holds and moves the neodymium magnet back and forth producing rotary motion. Because the device in the video uses two magnetic spirals curving in opposite directions, his device requires him to transverse back and forth to create rotation. The helix motor only requires a single 360 degrees spiral array with a single linear array creating an electromagnetic pulse moving in one direction. If there is more than one magnetic spiral array on a helix motor, then the spirals always curve in the same direction. The electromagnetic pulse on a helix motor always transverses in the same direction from one end of the linear array to the other end, and then repeats in the same direction from the beginning to create continuous rotary motion. The video demonstrates the basic physics involved. In the video, the person is using the magnetic repulsion effect to drive his rotor. The Helix Magnetics Research demonstration device, uses the magnetic attraction effect to create rotation with a single linear array and a single spiral. A helix motor has three basic modes of operation: attraction rotation, repulsion rotation, and the combination of the two for maximum power as most orbital pulse motors use. A helix motor will always be a programmable rotational device with the desire performance characteristics determined by the end user.


The Spiral Helix Motor Torque Multiplier Effect

The helix motor has a torque multiplying effect due to the three dimensional way it creates rotation. On a conventional orbital pulse motor there is one stator surrounding one rotor. For a given diameter of an orbital pulse motor, at the highest possible technology level, it has the potential to produce a certain amount of torque. The same amount of torque can be achieved on a helix motor with one spiral helix array and one linear array. The helix motor is extended into longer lengths until the power output matches the comparable orbital pulse motor. That length to reach output equivalency is determined by the number of magnetic surface interactions occurring along the length of the linear array along the spiral array, that equate with the number of magnetic surface interactions on an orbital pulse motor.

Example: For a 12 linear array helix motor, each linear array interacts with 8.33% (1/12) of the spiral array magnets along the length, it will need to interact with as many magnetic interactions as the equivalent orbital pulse motor. In other words, a 14 pole orbital pulse motor will have 14 rotor magnetic zones, and 14 active stator magnetic zones at any one time creating torque. That translates into 28 active magnetic surface interactions. In order for the same number of magnetic interactions to occur on the helix motor spiral array, 8.33% of the total nodes/slices need to be in magnetic interaction positions with a linear array. Since 28 magnetic surface interactions are required it would mean that 14 magnetic surface interactions on the linear array need to be in interactive position with 14 magnetic surface interactions on the spiral magnetic array in opposition. Since 14 represents 8.33% of the number of electromagnets in interactive positions, an entire linear array will be 168 linear array nodes in length. The spiral rotor array will have 168 magnetic nodes/slices in order to have the needed number of magnetic surface interactions. (12x14) That will approximately be equal to the number of magnetic interactions used by the 14 pole orbital pulse motor providing torque. The spiral helix motor now produces an equivalent amount of torque produced by the orbital pulse motor.

Because the helix motor is a three dimensional operational concept, the rest of the spiral circumference can now be populated with 11 (The number of linear arrays depends on the design.) more linear arrays creating 12 total stators on one rotor. That now represents the torque performance of 12 of the original orbital pulse motors on a single shaft. The single spiral represents the single rotor on the orbital pulse motor. Again, since the helix motor is a three dimensional concept, additional spiral arrays may be added. Utilizing a helix motor design that has two spiral arrays on the rotor is equivalent to two of the orbital pulse motor rotors on a single shaft. The torque multiplying effect has now doubled. The helix motor now the equivalent of 24 of the orbital pulse motors on a single shaft. If the original orbital pulse motor produced 50,000 SHP, then the helix motor will be producing 1,200,000 SHP on a single shaft. To give an analogy, the spiral helix motor will do for electromagnetic rotational motors, what the gas turbine engine did for internal combustion engines in achieving exponentially higher energy output. It is an appropriate analogy since the gas turbine engine is also a three dimensional operational concept device as well.


The following is a basic outline of the prototype Spiral Helix Motor

 to be constructed as a demonstration of technology device.

Helix Motor Model 108 General Engineering Specification

     The rated horsepower for Model 108 is 108,000 HP. It consist of 3 sections of triple electromagnet power modules. A triple electromagnet power module consist of 3, 12 node electromagnet power modules joined by two, split case bearing, linear rail support structures. Each electromagnet node is rated at 1,000 HP, with a total of 108 nodes (9 sections of 12 electromagnet nodes) producing 108,000 HP. The three power modules are connected by two, split case bearing, flex jointed expansion structures. The electromagnet design is standard industry capacity based on  energy levels required. Copper bar and/or copper wire specification depending on input energy level density. The support rails are steel and/or titanium for rigidity requirements. The motors are modular in design and construction, are assembled and repaired in the designated use location. There are twin spiral electromagnetic arrays on the rotor.

Digital Control Commutator Component General Engineering Specification

DCC Individual Image Version 1.0.bmpDigital Control Commutator (DCC) - 800 Amp Capacity Model - DCC800

(Maximum Capacity Model - Model Range availability 20 - 800 Amps)

     The unit uses metallic graphite contact brushes. Each brush has approximately 2 square inches (2"x1" cross section ) of surface contact area with a capacity of approximately 200 amps. There is a total of 24 brushes per unit. There are six(6) brushes per power switch section, with one(1) switch section on each quarter of the DCC containment case. The four sets of brushes make contact simultaneously (within 0.05 degrees of first to last brush contact) providing 800 amp of capacity. At 1,000 RPM, the unit can energize, de-energized, and reverse polarity for the electromagnet at a rate of 4,000 per minute which corresponds to 4,000 RPM for the Helix Motor rotor. (4 to 1 ratio for the DCC800 model)

     Rotational drive force is provided by a direct drive 2-phase bipolar, NEMA 57,  16 step motor with approximately 1850 N of torque. It is connected to the commutator drive shaft by a screw set D coupling. (Screw access ports integral to commutator case.) The motor is attached to the commutator containment case by stainless steel set screws. The positioning of the rotational angle is monitored by an absolute optical position sensor on the drive shaft. The commutator core is industry standard insulation medium thermo set glass-reinforced DMC based on unsaturated polyester resin with an integral  stainless steel rotor shaft. There are 16 inset 1" copper/brass inserts that have approximately 1.1" of surface area on the curved surface. Each insert has approximately 1/8" separation from the next copper insert around the circumference. The diameter of the commutator is approx. 5.7". The brushes are composed of electrolytic copper graphite contained within constant pressure brass electrically insulated holders. The separation between adjoining brushes is approx. 1". Between each brush holder is a 1/8" internally extended integrally attached separation rim as part of the case that approaches to less than 1/16" of the commutator surface to add crossover jump protection. The brush holders insert through the brush ports, and are screwed to the sides of the commutator thermo set glass reinforced type split case by stainless steel set screws. The approximately 8.5" diameter commutator case, is of a diagonal split design with integral bearing mounts for top and bottom carrier bearings. The bottom of the case is approximately 10" square with corner holes to attach to the helix motor electromagnet mounts. The top of the case is approximately 8.5" square with screw holes corresponding to the NEMA 57 mount holes. The diagonal split case is joined together by stainless steel set screws. In between each set of brush ports are integral vent slots for cooling and dust expulsion. he total combined component length is approximately 26". Lower capacity models are respectively smaller based on their amp rating.

Every electromagnet on a helix motor needs to have a commutator, and the traditional location on the drive rotor is not possible. With that requirement, the commutator has been individualized for each electromagnet. A helix motor needs to be operated by controlled programming to get the power sequencing right. The stepper motor is a digitally precision controlled rotary motion device, and is perfect for rotating a commutator to a desired position at a precise time in a continuously timed rotation. With an absolute position sensor, the Digital Control Commutator (DCC) makes contact at the appropriate rotational angle, at the right time to energize, de-energize, and reverse polarity for the individual electromagnets. The stepper motor control boards and software are of industry standard designs from Texas Instruments.

Engineering Design Concerns

** “How are torsional forces dealt with from one end of the motor to another?”

     The rotational position sensors along the motor allow monitoring torsional stress forces to be controlled by programming electromagnet timing changes to eliminate imbalances in torque production along the rotor. The entire rotor shaft is powered at the same time on all nodes which allows torsion control at all times.

** “What is the main drawback for a helix motor functional operation?

     It is a DC motor and thus requires a commutator with the attending issues for that technology. Addressing the issue requires that brushes have to be replaced. Current flow sensors on each DCC alerts the operating system that a brush has failed and that module is deactivated and marked for repair. If the power for one polarity activation has failed, then the brushes controlling the other polarity may still be used for repulsion, or attraction depending on which brush has failed. The helix motor will still function with a very high percentage (80%) of DCC modules out of service because of faults and/or planned deactivations for power reduction. It operates equally well in any direction and designed speed.

Project Management Plan

     Currently, John S. Aiken, the Director of Research at Helix Magnetics Research, is the world expert regarding the new technology. He will directly oversee the project design, engineering, and prototyping, while concurrently teaching/training, any/all others, that are to be involved in the project development. Those personnel will form the first cadre of engineers in the new field of Helix Motor Engineering. Production cost estimates are difficult at this time due to a cost base that has not been established for the new technology, but it will be commiserate with the cost associated with high energy propulsion systems. The device describe above has a projected 3 year completion schedule. Year one will entail creating the design and engineering specification, and individual component prototyping (Est. $15M). Year two will be designated for component production (Est. $30M). Year three will be designated for prototype construction and testing (Est. $15M). The total estimated cost of the project is $60M. The estimated cost for assembly line production machines, is ~$10.00~ per shaft horsepower. (1,000,000 SHP x $10 = $10M)

     The design, engineering, and component prototyping for the project is to be carried out by Helix Magnetics Research. General Dynamics is to be the prime contractor for the coordination of component production, prototype construction, and adaption to marine environments. General Dynamics is the company in America that will be most affected by this new technology. They will be the ones that build the new naval ships specifically designed for the new propulsion systems. With their extensive experience in maritime requirements, it will ensured that the new helix motors will meet the specifications they need to achieve for naval applications. General Dynamics has the capability to assemble the helix motors in the ships that they design and build. Texas Instrument will be the subcontractor for the stepper motor control board rack design and operating control software. They have extensive experience in machine digital control.


****************** The following statement is for Historical Posterity. ******************

I, John Steven Aiken, Director of Research at Helix Magnetics Research, have entered the previous information into the United States of America's knowledge database in order to leave a record that I made a diligent attempt to give my country this new technology first. In the event that this new fundamental knowledge was not acted upon, let it be known that I did my duty as an American Citizen to try to allow my country to be first with the new paradigm in naval warfare.



Helix Motor Direct Drive Water Jet Ship Propulsion System

          The Helix Motor Concept, (US Patent Pending #15487531 – INVENTION: Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor. - International Application Number: PCT/US17/33790) will revolutionize ship scale water jet propulsion systems. The Helix Motor has the ability to provide the optimal direct drive power delivery characteristics, necessary for the largest scale ship water jet operations. The Helix Motor changes the water jets' limitation, from the inability to provide adequate rotational power, to one that is only limited by the laws of hydrodynamic physics. The pure electromagnetic direct drive water jet, is now technologically achievable for the largest scale ships, exponentially expanding the parameters for high speed ship propulsion systems.

          The Helix Electromagnetic Motor Concept, is the complement, to the Orbital Electromagnetic Motor Concept, for the generation of rotational mechanical torque from electromagnetic energy. The Orbital Concept, implements well on high speed, low power applications, but has problems on large scale output. The Helix Concept, implements well for large scale, high speed, rotational mechanical torque needs, but not well on small scale output. The basic physics of the Helix Motor Concept, will enable an exponential increase in the conversion of electromagnetic energy into single shaft rotational mechanical torque.

          With the new propulsion system technology, the largest scale ships can now be designed for water jet propulsion. Mission response time will be greatly reduced with the higher cruise speeds, and because of the inherent nature of how the helix motor functions, it can also operate at low power, slow speed, when energy conservation is required. The helix motor propulsion systems, have a very fast response time from cold to full power. There will be a significant paradigm shift in ship design, ship capabilities, and force effectiveness, when the advantages of the larger scale water jet propulsion systems are fully implemented.

          A project to implement an exploratory propulsion system demonstration, to evaluate the viability of the new technology, has been outlined in the White Paper, "Project: Helix Jet", where a small scale helix motor, is coupled with a ship scale (Thrustmaster Model DJ450) water jet. The Helix Jet project is designed to evaluate the operational viability of a ship scale, helix motor powered, direct drive water jet propulsion system, installed and evaluated, in a marine test hull. Project: Helix Jet, has also been designed to test the viability of many small, high efficiency generators, powering one very large, variable power electromagnetic drive motor. The project will also educate the first career potential, engineering experts in the new technology. The Projects' estimated ROM cost, is $22,146,840 over a 3 year period.

Project: Helix Jet

Helix Magnetics Research

Helix Motor Direct Drive Water Jet Ship Propulsion System


     This project is a demonstration of a small scale Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor, coupled with a commercial scale, Thrustmasters Series 400 water jet. The purpose is to exam the viability of the helix motor direct drive propulsion system for high speed maximum scale surface ships. The helix motor technological concept, has been verified as valid, and it appears to be easily achievable within the current industry standard technology production limits, and industry standard cost. Reducing the proposed helix motor size will not reduce the estimated project cost, and increasing the helix motor size, would require a custom water jet to be designed and manufactured, increasing project cost. The control boards and software control routines, will be functionally the same whether they are controlling a 9,000 SHP helix motor, or a 900,000 SHP helix motor. The Digital Control Commutator (DCC) is a new concept, but is comprised of industry standard production commodity components. The DCC is the most advanced, easily available technology, able to handle the current loads, and have an adequate reliability factor. All components can be manufactured within existing industry tooling, on standard production lines. There does not appear to be any technological developments required for implementation of the project. The project will simply use preexisting manufacturing base.

     The preliminary design specification outlines a helix motor of approximately 33 meters in length, and 0.6 to 1.2 meters in diameter. It will consist of 9 segments with 10 nodes on each segment. Each segment is connected by the bearing housing rail support structure. The design will include the features of assembly, or disassembly, using sequentially, and/or non-sequentially procedures. The demonstration helix motor will not include flex joints, and will require a rigid foundation with a linear expansion mounting frame.

     The helix motor will use a "Many-One" generator concept for power. That concept involves many small, high efficiency generators powering one very large variable power, variable speed helix electromagnetic motor. That is similar to how a maximum scale ship helix motor is powered, with many generators energizing the main drives.

     The demonstration helix motor design specifications, call for 12 linear magnetic arrays, with each array powered by a single generator. There are 4 generators powering the two spiral electromagnetic arrays. The control system power will be provided by 2 dedicated generators. There will be 3 additional alternate main drive generators to allow online power transfer testing. This type of system allows enhanced power delivery flexibility. There will be 2 generators used to power the DCC units. There will be a total of 23 high efficiency diesel generators powering the drive system. The helix motor will use approximately 7,000kw at maximum load, and the control units will use >600kw. The diesel generators will be within the 550kw range in output for the main drive power supply. (Example: 560 KW, GENERAL ELECTRIC, CD7512, DC GENERATOR, Cummings QSK38 diesel drive ).

Project Critical Concerns:

     The Digital Control Commutator (DCC) is the key to the operation of the Helix Motor. It is an untested new technology that will be required to have precise timing, at high revolutions (up to 1000 RPM), with rapid changes in operational speeds, and it needs to do it reliably in harsh environments. Current state of the art stepper motors, have a precision of rotational degree positioning under digital control, on the order of .05mm. The precision of timed rotation to destination accuracy, is on the order of +-0.001 sec. for digital control positioning. The stepper motors within the helix motor design specifications, will have 16 steps, which increases the potential revolution operational speed range, and increases the reliability of the stepper motors ability to achieve the required position. The commutator design and production facilities, the available contact brush technology, the insulating case chemistry and manufacture, all the DCC components are mature technologies, and have been for decades. There is a high confidence appraisal, for a successful outcome in meeting the performance goals for the Digital Control Commutator technology.

     The use of the Digital Control Commutator (DCC) for operation of the helix motor, will be required until solid state relays are developed that have the required switching speed, can handle the power loads, and have adequate longevity. Since all components of the DCC are mature technologies, and due to the simple nature of the basic DCC concept, it is difficult to anticipate any potential problems that might occur, that will not be readily solved. The production scheduling is dependent on manufacturers having the available time slots open. Component assemble and disassembly, may require temporary, and/or permanent labor assistance, increasing cost and security concerns. The project timeline greatly depends on getting the staff onboard, trained, and engaged, in a expeditious manner.


Operational Benefits:

     Full speed control from zero RPM to maximum designed RPM. Ability to operate at greatly reduced power levels. Propulsion system is always at standby for operation, or in operation. System will operate with a high percentage of electromagnets in failure mode, and/or planned deactivation. The helix motor is completely modular, which makes assembly in place, in place maintenance, and automated assembly achievable. The use of reduction gears to reduce the rotational speed of turbines, or increase the rotational speed of diesel motors will no longer be required. The use of power source switching gear trains or clutches, will no longer be required. Thrust will be under more precise variable control.

     With the "Many-One" power generation concept, having many generators allows the amount of energy needed to provide thrust, to be varied to match the required ship speed. It allows a high level of reliability, reduces fuel requirements by only producing as much energy as needed for the moment. The need to have very large, powerful, primary power sources, will no longer be required. The many highly efficient generators are easier to maintain, easier to replace, quick to start for more power, and quick to shutdown to reduce fuel consumption. The Helix Hybrid Water Jet Propulsion System represents a fundamental new paradigm for high speed maximum scale ship propulsion.


Project Personnel: (Est. $2,100,000 Staff Salary & Benefits per year)

     This project is for the implementation of a fundamental new technology, and for the pedagogy of the engineers that will lead the way. Since this project marks the beginning of a new branch in Engineering, the project engineers will be at the forefront of a potential career defining experience. For this reason, the personnel will be selected based on their creativity, productivity, potential career longevity, and most important, their potential ability to teach others the new technology. The following preliminary personnel list of 19 team members includes most key personnel and their basic assignments. The list also includes their basic Salary and Benefits, (S&B). ( *Preliminary Personnel Selection )


Project Executive Director: ($220K S&B) - John S. Aiken

Directs overall design and engineering of the Helix Jet, project coordinator, control of funding, and management of personnel.

Executive Administrative Assistant: ($110K S&B) - Dingjun Chiu*,

          Project assistant coordinator, and contractor liaison.

Executive Accounting Assistant: ($110K S&B) - TBD

          Project financial system management.

Executive Office Assistant: ($90K S&B) - TBD

          Project document management control.

Quality Control Engineer: ($110K S&B) -  Hzushing Chiu*,

Manages quality control inspection, engineering assistance, and risk assessment coordination.

Electrical Engineer(4 post):TEAM 1: ($110K S&B) - TBD

Design and engineering for electromagnets, power wiring harness, Design and Engineering Digital Control Commutator. Prototype and production managers for relevant electrical components.

Mechanical Engineer(2 post):TEAM 2: ($110K S&B) - TBD

Design and engineering for physical structure components. Prototype and production managers for relevant mechanical components.

Machine Digital Control Systems Engineer(2 post):TEAM 3: ($110K S&B) - TBD

Design and engineering for digital control boards, control wiring harness, software control routines, and basic interface control.

Marine Systems Engineer(2 post):TEAM 4: ($110K S&B) - TBD

Design and engineering for marine environment resistant components. Selection of appropriate marine hull and modification managers for Helix Jet installation. 

Engineer Assistant(4 post):(1 per TEAM): ($90K S&B) - TBD

Provide basic engineering assistance for each team to ensure goals are met. Also to assist specific teams needing additional short term concentrated assistance for intellectual, and/or labor intensive task.

(Other positions may be needed as project progresses to meet additional unknown skill sets that are unanticipated.)Project Schedule:

     The following is the Rough Estimated Completion Schedule under the current Rough Estimated Projected Budget. (Year.Month)


Year 1.00:

1.00-1.03: Work space acquired, engineering design workstations online, teams

                  assembled and organized.

1.02-1.03: Initial detailed design specifications established.

1.03-1.06: Completion of base structure design and engineering specifications.

1.03-1.06: Completion of electromagnet design and engineering specifications.

1.03-1.06: Completion of Digital Control Commutator (DCC) design and engineering


1.03-1.06: Completion of Digital Control boards layout, selection, component delivery.

1.03-1.12: Prototype components completed, and/or scheduled for production.

1.02-1.06: Wiring layout design, and wire harnesses installation procedures established.

1.06-1.08: Static Testing Framework design and engineering specifications completed.

1.06-1.12: Suitable marine hull acquisition under contract negotiations.

1.06-1.12: Digital Control boards completed. Preliminary control coding alpha completed.

1.08-1.12: Static Testing Framework components production, and delivery completed.


Year 2.00:

2.00-2.06: Component production and delivery to assembly site completed.

2.00-2.03: Static Testing Framework(STF) foundation and framework components

                  installation completed.

2.00-2.03: Power cable and control wiring harness completed.

2.00-2.02: Control coding beta completed, and initial operational simulation testing


2.01-2.02: Marine hull acquired, moved to shipyard for modifications.

2.02-2.12: Marine hull modifications, including all equipment mounts, completed for

                  helix jet installation.

2.03-2.09: Helix motor components assembled on ground static testing mountings.

2.09-2.12: Static testing helix motor operation and control software.


Year 3.00:

3.00-3.02: Installation of water jet in marine hull

3.00-3.01: Helix motor disassembled, prepared for transport.

3.01-3.02: Transport to marine assemble site.

3.02-3.06: Full assembly of Helix Jet, connecting the helix motor assembly with the

                 preinstalled water jet unit.

3.06-3.12: Operational open water testing an evaluation. (Schedule delay cushion.)

3.12-3.12: Project complete.


Project Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Cost Estimate: $22,146,840

The projected cost are based on a preliminary design of a 90 node helix motor producing approx. 9,000 SHP (7,000kw) coupled to a marine water jet, installed and operational, in a suitable marine hull.


Personnel cost: $2,100,000 per year, 3 years = ..…………..............................…$6,300,000

Digital Control Commutator*: Total 2160 x $864 = ………................................…$1,866,240

§  Stepper Motors: 2160 x $525 = …………......................$1,134,000

§  DCC Housing: 2160 x $55 = ……………..........................$118,800

§  Commutator Core: 2160 x $45 = ………….........................$97,200

§  Shaft: 2160 x $35 - ………………………......................…...$75,600

§  Absolute Position Encoder: 2160 x $60 = .........................$129,600

§  Brushes: 51,840 x $6 = …………………...........................$311,040

Main Motor Components: .....................................................................................$4,548,600

§  Electromagnets –    Rotor: 180 x $2,200 = …………….…..$396,000

                              Stator: 1080 x $1,550 = ………….…$1,674,000

§  Rotor/Drive Shafts: 10 x $45,000 = …………………...…….$450,000

§  Machined Bearing Housing Rail Heads: 10 x $55,000 = ….$550,000

§  Electromagnet Support Rails: 108 x $9,500 = …………...$1,026,000

§  Motor Bearings: …………………………………………….…...$85,000

§  Digital Control Boards: 2160 x $110 = …………………..…..$237,600

§  Electrical Wiring: ……………………………………………..….$55,000

§  Control Wiring: ………………………………………….….....…$75,000

Project Marine Components: ...............................................................................$3,925,000

Transportation Expenses...……………………………………..................…..............$185,000

Supplemental Assembly Assistance Labor: …..............……...................................$625,000

Engineering Workstations and Software: 15 x $15,000 = …...................................$225,000

Office and Assembly Space: 36 months x $14,500 = ………...............................…$522,000

Legal Fees and Expenses ...................................................................................... $450,000

Unknown Miscellaneous Contingencies: ………………….........................…....…$3,500,000      


The estimated cost are based on lowest bidder, best component production completion time, least amount of delays, most harmonious team work effectiveness, fastest availability of component manufacturing materials at the least market cost, lowest legal supplemental labor cost, and availability of volume price discounts.

Component Manufacturers:

     Some of the goals of the project include using as much local US component content and manufacturing as possible. The availability of manufacturing capable of producing all the components has been online for decades. The manufacturers shown are just a small example of the companies that meet the requirements for the project. The only reason the helix motor has not already been produced, is that the concept, has just now become known. The technology to produce the helix motor has been available for decades, and the companies that have the available production capabilities, are worldwide.

Primary Component Suppliers:

TECO-Westinghouse, Round Rock, TX

          Proposed contractor for producing the linear magnets and the rotor magnets. They have the production equipment already in place with the component specifications well within the equipment production capabilities. Contract to be for ownership of molds and patterns, with per unit cost for production of each component.

Thrustmaster, Houston, TX

          Proposed contractor for providing a Thrustmaster 400 Series Model DJ450(6400kw) Waterjet. Contract to be for single unit of standard design, manufactured, and shipped to designated location.

Texas Instruments:

          Proposed contractor for supplying the digital control boards and software support. Contract to be for control boards, mobile support structure, positive in place operation, and positive software instructional readiness.

Example Component Manufacturers:

     Drive Shaft Manufacturer: Winchester Precision Technologies, Winchester, NH, USA

     Bearing Manufacturer: Texas Bearing Services, Houston, TX, USA

     Milling Work Company(s): Westfield Machine, Inc., Houston, TX, USA

     Electrical Wiring Manufacturer: TPC Wire and Cable Corp., Macedonia, Ohio, USA

     Stepper Motor Manufacturer: Oriental Motor, Inc., Japan

     Component Assembly Service Company: Carlton-Bates Company, North America

     DC Rotor Manufacturer: Baldor, Houston, TX, USA


Project Visions:

     The Helix Jet project will usher in a new era for high speed maximum scale warships. With the introduction of the Helix Jet, the United States will remain the leading edge of military technology in our asset deployment abilities, and continue to surpass any, and all rivals. The introduction of the helix motor, and it's first utilization as a water jet drive, will create significant changes to the water jet industry as new, more powerful water jets are designed and built. There is a high probability that many new engineers will specialize in the new helix motor area and find long rewarding careers. Many new patents will be filed as the revolutionary technology is rapidly developed. With Project: Helix Jet funding, DARPA will continue to be the world's premier enabler of cutting edge military technology.


Thank you for your question. I hope the answer below will more clearly express what the helix motor represents.

     The helix motor will never be small, or light. A machine that can handle a gigawatt+ of power is a device that matches the power load. A typical gigawatt class machine is 3 meters in diameter and 300 meters long. That sounds like an impossible task to construct, but because of the way it functions, and the change in scale from conventional motors, it allows 100% modular assembly line construction. The motor is no longer restricted to a cubical or spherical shape, as in the orbital pulse motor, but takes the shape of a long cylinder. It is a lot easier to make it longer and more powerful, than to make it larger in diameter in order to make it more powerful. It makes repairs simple. If an electromagnet or DCC wears out, then it is easy replace that easily accessible part. The motor will still function with a high percentage of electromagnets out of service though. The motors are rated for a gigawatt+ of power, and they do need that much power for each motor installed on a ship.  A real fuel hog. Although a smaller 250K horsepower motor can be used in shorter ships.


     Up until this point in time, we have not been able to produce the necessary single shaft rotational power with the right characteristics to drive a large vessel at planning speeds. That has now changed. The best analogy is the 50 foot offshore catamaran turbine power boat. They have the torque and RPM’s to get that type of hull not only up on plane, but well beyond. That capability for producing that type of high horsepower, and RPM’s, is now achievable for ships. The current conventional motors can only turn a big prop at slow speeds. A helix motor can turn ship props at 4,000-6,000 RPM’s. That is with ship high speed props that are designed for that many RPM’s of course. A typical Fast Attack Carrier will be able to cruise at 200 knots. A typical 50 foot turbine power boat has 4,000 horsepower. Scaling that boat power up 30 times gets it up to 120,000 HP. Getting a small boat up on plane with that much power is easy, but that scaled horsepower is not going to get a ship up on plane. Fortunately, the helix motors power is on a different scale commiserate with a ships scale, and will produce at least 1,000,000 shaft horsepower (achievable in 4 years). The ship will have two of them. The ship will have a flank speed of almost 300 knots. The ships design will be quite similar to the racing catamaran in appearance. Planes can take off straight up in the slipstream. The entire carrier wing can take off like a flock of birds rising from the ground.


     The problem is how to generate the electrical power to run the motors. Fortunately, the current state of the art in turbine combined cycle generators, will provide the necessary power. It will take about 6 of them with reserve power. That will take a great deal of fuel. You have to pay for speed in small boats and large ships. The current naval philosophy is to position ships in positions as close as possible to theaters of concern in order to take into account the slow speeds of current ships. A helix motor powered ship that can cruise at 200 knots, can be in the theater of operation anywhere in the pacific basin within 24 hours from port in Pearl Harbor. Fast Attack Carriers go in, make the hit, and go back to base. The fuel supply problem is that ships burning that much fuel will have a very short cruise time. If a turbine power boat can run at full power for 3 hours, then a scaled time span for a ship would be one that can run at full power for up to 3 weeks. That sounds short, but it will not make a difference in combat operations, since a ship will only be a maximum of a 24 hour cruise to Pearl Harbor to refuel and rearm. Fast attack ships. A power boat racer can cut through 2 foot waves with ease, and scaling it up to ship size, the ship can slice through 20 foot waves with ease. A boat, or ship, on top of the water, slices, not plows, through the water. The nature of naval warfare is about to change.


     I can’t really be discouraged since I know that helix motor powered ships will be produced somewhere in the world within the next 5 years. It is just too great a leap in naval capability not to take advantage of, especially since the production technology to build them already exists. They just have to be assembled. While I may be a dreamer, someone has to see what is possible, what is achievable, before it can happen.






     I did not really explain very well about the fuel usage. The total yearly fuel usage for fast ships is considerable less than the current usage by displacement ships. Displacement ships have to be constantly cruising and refueling in the area of their operation, and trips back home are slow and long. You are correct in that warships are designed to be as efficient as possible because of long slow missions far from home. The Fast Attack ships will spend 85% of their time sitting in Pearl Harbor. There would no longer be the need for constant long slow missions in far off places to be in ready position. The fast ships will be able to reach positions quickly, and only when needed. They would only leave port for a quick mission, or training. The effective range of a fast ship is all but global. When a navy has the ability to get into positions rapidly, and at very long distances, then stationing slow ships in distance places will no longer be necessary. It is the ultimate in tactical advantage. The fleet is always kept in protected anchorage, until a target needs to be engaged, and then they arrive before the enemy knows it from far beyond the horizon.

     The helix motor does not have to run at maximum speed. The way a helix motor functions, a gigawatt class machine would still function on 10 megawatts. It runs just fine with just one linear array, and one spiral helix array in programmed operation. It has infinite input power requirements from zero power to maximum designed power input. Just depends on how fast you want to go. If a fast ship wanted to go slow and long, then it has the ability to go slow at reduced power requirements. Fast ships can always go slow.

     As I was building my prototype demonstration device to use for promoting my invention, I saw the YouTube video below where a person had inadvertently demonstrated the basic concept principle that defines the helix motor. The man is trying to do something entirely different beyond current known physics, and has no idea he has shown the basic concept behind the new motor technology. When I saw the video below, I started writing my patent before someone else figured it out and wrote one.

     The man is using a neodymium magnet to create a linear magnetic pulse traversing parallel to the axis, while interacting with a spiral magnet array on the rotor. My machine uses electromagnetic pulses to perform the exact same function. As he moves the neodymium magnet back and forth he is producing rotary motion. Because he uses two magnetic spirals curving opposite directions his device requires him to move back and forth to create rotation. The helix motor only requires a single spiral array with a single linear array creating an electromagnetic pulse moving in one direction. The pulse is simply repeated in the same direction from the beginning of the linear array to create continuous rotary motion. It is very basic physics. He is using the magnetic repulsion effect to drive his rotor. My prototype demonstration device uses the magnetic attraction effect to create rotation with a single linear array and single spiral. A helix motor has three basic modes of operation, attraction rotation, repulsion rotation, and the combination of the two for maximum power. A helix motor will always be a programmable rotation device with the desire performance characteristic determined by the end user.


     The video below is best watched with the sound off. No useful information given other than visually. The title of the video is as follows and the YouTube link below. (Skip to 1:30 to start getting to the demonstration.) (If the correct video does not show up because the link has changed then search for the title.)


“Magnet Motor, New Design Sine Wave Concept Idea, Free Alternative Energy, Sine Wave, Electric”




     What I have been showing you and telling you seems like it is out of the twilight zone because it doesn’t seem real. I have read hundreds of science fiction novels and I feel like I am really living in one. The technology I have presented is a real new technology based on real physics with a concept that is revolutionary for humankind. There is not an engineer in the world that would have thought that there is another unknown way for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy. They have always been taught that in order to create rotation, an orbital magnetic pulse must be used. That is the concept that was conceived over 180 years ago and that’s just the way it is done, period. The conception of a three dimensional operational concept has never been contemplated until now.


“What is the main drawback for motor functional operation?

The motor uses commutators. It is a DC motor. That means brushes have to be replaced. The current flow sensors on each DCC alerts the operating system that a brush has failed and that module is deactivated and marked for repair. If the power for one polarity activation has failed, then the brushes controlling the other polarity may still be used for repulsion or attraction depending on which brush has failed. The motor will still function with a very high percentage (80%) of DCC modules out of service because of faults or planned deactivations for power reduction.  It is the ultimate get home motor.


Pushing the Edge of the Envelope Exponentially

     A revolutionary new concept has been discovered, and is patent pending, for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy. It has now become achievable to create electromagnetic motors capable of providing the rotational mechanical energy necessary to drive ship size hulls to planning speeds. The construction of variable, high rotational speed, gigawatt class electromagnetic motors, is now well within current human technological production capabilities.


     Unfortunately, the information contained in the attached files is for a new fundamental concept in a human field of engineering that has been considered to have all of the fundamental concepts it contains to have been discovered, and well documented. Therefore, without a full understanding of exactly what the new fundamental concept entails, it may be unbelievable until the knowledge is fully assimilated. The new concept involves well known basic physics, and the obviousness of the concept becomes self evident the moment it is fully understood. It will cause a paradigm shift in naval engineering for what has now become achievable.


     Up until this point in time, we have not been able to produce the necessary single shaft rotational power with the right characteristics to drive a large vessel at planning speeds. That has now changed. The best analogy is the 50 foot offshore catamaran turbine power boat. They have the torque and RPM’s to get that type of hull not only up on plane, but well beyond. The capability for producing that type of high horsepower, and RPM’s, is now achievable for ships. The current conventional motors can only turn a big prop at slow speeds. A helix motor can turn ship props at 4,000-6,000 RPM’s with high torque to match. That is with ship high speed props that are designed for that many RPM’s of course. A typical Fast Attack Carrier will be able to cruise at 200+ knots.

     A typical 50 foot turbine power boat has 4,000 horsepower. Scaling that boat power up 30 times gets it up to 120,000 HP. Getting a small boat up on plane with 4,000 SHP is easy, but that scaled up horsepower (120,000 SHP) is not going to get a ship up on plane. Fortunately, the helix motors power delivery is on a different scale commiserate with a ships scale, and will produce in excess of 1,000,000 shaft horsepower (achievable in 4 years). The ships will have two of them in a catamaran type hull. The ship will have a flank speed of almost 300 knots. The ships design will be quite similar to the racing catamaran in appearance. Planes will be able to take off straight up in the air slipstream. The entire carrier wing can take off like a flock of birds rising from the deck.

     The helix motor will never be small, or light. A machine that can handle a gigawatt+ of power is a device that matches the power load. A typical gigawatt class machine is 4 meters in diameter and 300 meters long. That sounds like an impossible task to construct, but because of the way it functions, and the change in scale from conventional electromagnetic motors, it allows 100% modular assembly line construction. The motor is no longer restricted to a cubical or spherical shape, as in the orbital pulse motor, but takes the shape of a long cylinder. It is a lot easier to make a motor longer and more powerful, than to make it larger in diameter in order to make it more powerful. It makes repairs simple. If an electromagnet or DCC wears out, then it is easy to replace and/or repair that easily accessible part. The motor will still function with a high percentage of electromagnets out of service due to failure or planned deactivation. The motors can be rated for a gigawatt+ of power, and they will need that much power for each motor installed on a ship.  Although a smaller 250K horsepower motor can be used in shorter ships. That speed requires lots of fuel, but because of the way a spiral helix motor operates, the fast ships can easily slow down to conventional displacement hull speeds, and greatly reduce fuel consumption.

     One problem is how to generate the electrical power to run the motors. Fortunately, the current state of the art in gas turbine combined cycle generators, will provide the necessary power. It will take about 8 of them with reserve power. That will take a great deal of fuel. You have to pay for speed in small boats and large ships. The current naval philosophy is to position ships in positions as close as possible to theaters of concern in order to take into account the slow speeds of current ships. A helix motor powered ship that can cruise at 200 knots, can be in the theater of operation anywhere in the pacific basin within 24 hours from port in Pearl Harbor. Fast Attack Carriers go in, make the hit(s), and then go back to base. The fuel supply problem is that ships burning that much fuel will have a very short cruise time at full speed. If a turbine power boat can run at full power for 3 hours, then a scaled up time span for a ship would be one that can run at full power for up to 3 weeks. That sounds short, but it will not make a difference in combat operations, since a ship will only be a maximum of a 24 hour cruise to Pearl Harbor to refuel and rearm. Fast attack ships are a new paradigm in tactical naval warfare. A power boat racer can cut through 2 foot waves with ease, and scaling it up to ship size, the ship can slice through 20 foot waves with ease. A boat, or ship, on top of the water, slices, not plows, through the water. The nature of naval warfare is about to change.





BE IT KNOWN that I, John Steven Aiken, citizen of the United States of America, residing in the city of Plano, the state of Texas, have invented a new and useful

spiral helix electromagnetic linear pulse motor

of which the following is a specification.



Date of Transmission:  April 04, 2017

I hereby certify that this correspondence is being transmitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) via the USPTO electronic filing system  (EFS-Web) on the date shown above.


By:     /richardgeldredge/

                      Richard G. Eldredge


1.       Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to electromagnetic energy conversion into mechanical energy systems, and more specifically, to electromagnetic energy conversion into rotational mechanical energy devices.

2.       Description of Related Art

Electromagnetic energy conversion devices are well documented in the arts and they cover two basic principles of operation. For convention sake, the current technology for creating rotational mechanical energy, will be referred to as an "Orbital Pulse Motor", and the current technology for creating linear mechanical energy will be referred to as a "Linear Pulse Motor".

The orbital pulse motor establishing patent in the United States is Patent #132, Feb. 25, 1837: Inventor: Davenport, Thomas :Invention: "Improvement in propelling machinery by magnetism and electro-magnetism" This device defined the concept of an actual or virtual orbital magnetic pulse to create rotary motion.

The linear pulse motor establishing patent in the United States is Patent #782312, Oct 1, 1907: Inventor; Zehden, Alfred :Invention; "ELECTRIC TRACTION APPARATUS" This device defined the concept of a virtual or actual linear magnetic pulse to create linear motion.

One significant technological impediment for an electromagnetic orbital pulse motor, is the thermal load problem. Current orbital pulse motors occupy a volume, which is essentially a cube, or a sphere. Those types of physical shapes have the highest volume per surface area, which serves to increase thermal retention. Orbital pulse motors are primarily increased in power by two methods. The first method is to increase the diameter of the rotor and the stator. The second method is to increase the energy input density. The first method leads to increasingly massive component size as the mass of the motor components increase exponentially as the designed energy input  capacity increases, and quickly become massively heavy. The large monolithic mass, poses a significant challenge for transporting to an installation site, involves a substantial challenge to complete onsite repair, and it requires a significant, large monolithic volume of space, for the motor to occupy.

The increase in input energy density method, leads to increasingly overwhelming thermal loads. While thermal loads are not usually a significant problem for most small orbital pulse motors, it starts to become an increasingly significant problem as the physical mass of the motor increases. For the largest motors, trying to reduce the thermal load becomes an overwhelming engineering problem for achieving high energy input.  Increasing the input energy density level in an orbital pulse motor eventually reaches the point where meltdown occurs, even with the best thermal abatement systems.

The electromagnetic linear pulse motor suffers the inherent concept limitation of only creating linear mechanical energy. That limitation inhibits its range of uses. The conversion of electromagnetic energy into rotational mechanical energy, has the most useful potential.


The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor uses the concept of a linear magnetic pulse that runs parallel to the axis of a rotor to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy. The linear magnetic pulse interacts with a spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor. As the linear magnetic pulse traverses across the linear magnetic array parallel to the axis, it magnetically interacts with the spiral helix magnetic array attached to the rotor, creating rotational mechanical energy, and then the cycle repeats, thus creating continuous rotation. Increasing mechanical energy output, is achieved primarily by increasing the length of the motor which increases the energy input capacity without increasing the average energy input density per cubic volume.

The discovery of the electromagnet, with its controllable properties of magnetic attraction, and magnetic repulsion of other electromagnets, initiated a significant intellectual effort on how to convert those properties into useful mechanical energy. After many trials and errors by many inventers, it was discovered that a virtual orbital magnetic pulse, could be created to caused an armature to rotate perpendicular around a motor shaft axis. The virtual orbital magnetic pulse, magnetically attracted and repulsed, the armature around in a repetitive sequential orbital motion, thus creating continuous rotation. ( USPAT#132 )

     The second concept conceived for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy is the Linear Induction Motor. ( USPAT#782312 ) The linear induction motor reconfigured the orbital magnetic pulse concept by rolling it out into a linear magnetic pulse concept. The linear magnetic pulse concept, established a method to move objects along a linear magnetic track converting electromagnetic energy into linear mechanical energy. The inherent concept limitation of only creating linear mechanical energy, limits its uses to those applications using that type of mechanical energy. The linear magnetic pulse motor is a one dimensional concept, wherein the magnetic pulse only traverses either forward, or backward, in one dimension.

     The orbital magnetic pulse concept is a two dimensional concept, wherein the magnetic field interactions creating rotation, remain represented on a two dimensional plain diagramming its operational functionality. The Spiral Helix Electromagnetic Linear Pulse Motor, combines the one dimensional linear pulse concept, with the two dimensional orbital pulse concept, and extends it into three dimensions.

In the present invention, an electromagnetic motor is presented having the one dimensional linear pulse concept, combined with the two-dimensional orbital pulse concept, thereby extending the operational functionality into a three dimensional concept.  The three dimensional operation is achieved by reconfiguring a circular magnet array into a spiral helix magnet array, wherein a three hundred and sixty degree circular magnet array, is virtually sliced and stretched out, with the ends remaining on the same plain, resulting in forming a spiral helix magnet array continuing to cover three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation.  The result is a spiral helix magnet array configured to extend around a rotor along its length. The stator electromagnets that surround an orbital pulse rotor are thereby reoriented into three dimensions by creating linear electromagnet assemblies that run parallel to the rotor axis so that the sequential magnetic pulses travel parallel to the axis. When energized in operation, the magnetic pulse traverses across the linear electromagnet array, with the pulse magnetically interacting with the spiral helix magnetic array creating rotation. The linear magnetic pulse then repeats the sequential pulse cycle, and thus creates continuous rotation.

In full operation, the present invention with fully populated electromagnet linear arrays, will create linear moving magnetic fields. Using visualizations of the magnetic fields as they energize, de-energize and reverse polarity, they will appear to be rotating in a similar effect like an old spiral helix barber shop pole rotating. It creates that rotating visual effect, even while the magnetic pulses are actually travelling parallel to the spiral helix axis. The visual effect is created because, on a spiral helix linear motor that includes the maximum number of linear arrays possible for the designed motor circumference, the linear arrays create full orbital arrays for each magnetic pole on the spiral helix rotor array. The orbital arrays virtually function in the same manner as any other two dimensional orbital pulse motor as the sequential linear magnetic pulses traverse the linear electromagnet arrays.


The novel features believed characteristic of the embodiments of the present application are set forth in the appended claims.  However, the embodiments themselves, as well as a preferred mode of use, and further objectives and advantages thereof, will best be understood by reference to the following detailed description when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 is an oblique view of a spiral helix electromagnetic linear pulse motor in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present application;

FIG. 2 is a side view of a partially assembled motor with the top and bottom linear arrays installed and the Spiral Helix Rotor Array of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a top view of a linear electromagnet assembly of FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a bottom view of a linear electromagnet assembly of FIG. 1;

FIG. 5 is a side view of a linear electromagnet assembly of FIG. 1;

FIG. 6 is an end view of a linear electromagnet assembly of FIG. 1;

FIG. 7 is an end view of a magnetic core template for the electrical steel lamination cutout form use to create the magnet core from FIG. 6;

FIG. 8 is end view of a rotor electromagnet assembly in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 9 is a side view of the rotor electromagnet assembly of FIG. 8;

FIG. 10 is a top view of the rotor electromagnet assembly of FIG. 8;

FIG. 11 are template views for the electrical steel lamination cutout forms use to build the magnet core of the rotor electromagnet assembly of FIG. 10;

FIG. 12 is an isometric view of the rotor assembly of FIG. 8;

FIG. 13 is a cross sectional view of a support beam in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 14 is a side view of the support beam of FIG. 13;

FIG. 15 is a top view of the support beam of FIG. 13;

FIG. 16 is a bottom view of the support beam of FIG. 13;

FIG. 17 is an end view of an end of the support beam of FIG. 13;

FIG. 18 is a side view of the end of FIG. 17;

FIG. 19 is a bottom view of the end of FIG. 17;

FIG. 20 is a top view of the end of FIG. 17;

FIG. 21 is a cross sectional view of an assembly of a spiral helix electromagnet arrays on a rotor shaft in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 22 is a top cross sectional view of an assembly of a spiral helix permanent magnet arrays on a rotor shaft in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 23 is a view of a motor bearing housing face in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 24 is a side view of a connection expansion joint for use with the spiral helix electromagnetic linear pulse motor of FIG. 1;

FIG. 25 is a side view of a partially assembled motor of FIG. 1;

FIGS. 26a-d are side views of a partially assembled motor of FIG. 1 showing the angle rotation of the spiral helix magnet array in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 27 is a simplified diagram of a Digital Control Commutator;

FIG. 28 is a simplified chart of a Digital Control Commutator contact sequence in accordance with the present application;

FIG. 29 is a simplified operations chart in accordance with the present invention; and

FIG. 30 is a an end view of an operating motor in accordance with the present invention.



While the systems and methods of use of the present application is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and are herein described in detail.  It should be understood, however, that the description herein of specific embodiments is not intended to limit the invention to the particular embodiment disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the present application as defined by the appended claims.


Illustrative embodiments of the system and method of use of the present application are provided below.  It will of course be appreciated that in the development of any actual embodiment, numerous implementation-specific decisions will be made to achieve the developer’s specific goals, such as compliance with system-related and business-related constraints, which will vary from one implementation to another.  Moreover, it will be appreciated that such a development effort might be complex and time-consuming, but would nevertheless be a routine undertaking for those of ordinary skill in the art having the benefit of this disclosure.

The system and method of use in accordance with the present application overcomes one or more of the above-discussed problems commonly associated with conventional electromagnetic motors.  Specifically, the present invention provides a means to increase power capacity without increasing the thermal signature, or limiting the potential output power, while allowing current manufacturing capabilities the ability to create the construct.  These and other unique features of the system and method of use are discussed below and illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

The system and method of use will be understood, both as to its structure and operation, from the accompanying drawings, taken in conjunction with the accompanying description. Several embodiments of the system are presented herein.  It should be understood that various components, parts, and features of the different embodiments may be combined together and/or interchanged with one another, all of which are within the scope of the present application, even though not all variations and particular embodiments are shown in the drawings.  It should also be understood that the mixing and matching of features, elements, and/or functions between various embodiments is expressly contemplated herein so that one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate from this disclosure that the features, elements, and/or functions of one embodiment may be incorporated into another embodiment as appropriate, unless described otherwise.

The preferred embodiment herein described is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed.  It is chosen and described to explain the principles of the invention, and its application and practical use to enable others skilled in the art to follow its instructions.

Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference characters identify corresponding or similar elements throughout the several views, FIGS. 1 and 2 depict an oblique view, and a side view of a spiral helix electromagnetic linear pulse motor 101 in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present application.  It will be appreciated that motor 101 overcomes one, or more of the above-listed problems commonly associated with conventional electromagnetic rotational motor systems.

In the contemplated embodiment, motor 101 includes one or more motor units 103, 105 connected by one or more expansion joints 111, 113.  It should be appreciated that the expansion joints allow for motor 101 to be modular and increase linearly in size, thereby increasing the power of motor 101.  In the preferred embodiment, each unit includes a plurality of linear electromagnetic assemblies 119. 

In FIGS. 3-7, various views of an example of a linear electromagnetic assembly 300 is shown.  Assembly 300 can include a plurality of wire coils 301 configured to surround a ferromagnetic core 303.  Assembly 300 further includes one or more Digital Control Commutator(s) 302 configured to control the electrical energy flow associated with motor 101.  It is contemplated that the ferromagnetic core 303 can be composed of a laminated electrical steel sheet.  Assembly 300 can further include one or more connection tabs 304 for securing to a plurality of support beams (shown in FIGS. 13-16).   Each assembly 300 further includes a curved face 305 configured to match the curvature of a rotor.  Assembly 300 further includes a plurality of bolts 306 configured to hold assembly 300 together.

In FIGS. 8-12, various views of a rotor assembly 800 used in motor 301 are shown.    Assembly 800 includes a plurality of coils 801 surrounding a ferromagnetic core 803 and a rotor 802, with optional hollow rotor core implementation 8010.  Assembly 800 further includes one or more center connection reinforcement plates 804 and one or more laminated connection tabs 805 joining the rotor electromagnet assembly together, and one or more bolts 806 configured to hold assembly 800 together.  Assembly 800 can further include one or more reinforcement end plates 807 configured to provide a means for the lamination connection tabs to join the rotor electromagnet assembly together.  In FIG. 11, 8 and 9 indicate the template for the electrical steel cutting pattern for the laminated core with and without a connection tab. 

In FIGS. 13-20, various views of a linear array support beam 1300 are shown.  Support beam 1300 includes a central I-beam or equivalent structure 1301 and one or more electromagnet assembly connection points 1302 having a plurality of bolt holes 1303.  The connection points and bolt holes are configured to provide a location to attach a plurality of support beams and the plurality of linear electromagnetic assemblies together around a central rotor.  The assemblies further include top end connection points 1702 and bottom end connection points 1703.  Each beam can further include a reinforcement flange 1704 and additional bolt holes 1705 for securing the support structure together.

In FIG. 21, a cross sectional view of an assembly 2100 of the plurality of linear electromagnetic assemblies and the plurality of support beams is shown.  As depicted, assembly 2100 includes alternating support beams 2101 and electromagnetic assemblies 2102 attached by connection joints 2103.  This arrangement surrounds a rotor shaft 2105 and rotor shaft electromagnets 2106.  The rotor includes one or more connection joints 2107.  Assembly 2100 includes a plurality of Digital Control Commutator(s) 2104, further discussed in FIG. 27.

In FIG. 22, a cross sectional view of an assembly   2200 of the plurality of linear electromagnetic assemblies and the plurality of support beams is shown, wherein assembly 2200 includes a permanent magnet rotor shaft 2206 as well as the features discussed above and associated with assembly 2100, including the alternating support beams 2201 and electromagnetic assemblies 2202 being connected by connection joints 2203 and a plurality of Digital Control Commutator(s) 2204.  In addition, assembly 2200 includes one or more connection joints 2207 of a rotor shaft 2205.

In FIG. 23, an interior view of a faceplate 2300 for use with motor 101 is shown. Faceplate 2300 includes one or more connection attachment slots 2301 configured to secure to the plurality of support beams and one or more connection attachment slot support tabs 2302 configured to further secure the attachment slots to the support beams.  Plate 2300 includes a plurality of bolts 2303, 2304 for further securing the assembly together.  Plate 2300 includes a main thrust bearing shaft thrust plate 2305 and a drive shaft rotor connection flange 2306 with optional hollow core driveshaft shown.

In FIG. 24, an example of an expansion joint 111 is shown.  Expansion joint 111 includes a universal connection joint 2401 configured to provide the motor with length flex points.  One or more rotor drive shaft bolted slip joints 2402, are configured to provide a means for assembling and disassembling the motor units of FIGS. 1 and 2.  One or more expansion connection centering mechanisms 2403 are configured to allow for expansion of joint 111. It is contemplated that mechanism 2403 can be a spring, hydraulic, or of pneumatic components.  Joint 111 can further include one or more expansion connection joint free movement spaces 2404.  Expansion joint 111 further includes one or more connection points 2405 configured to secure to the plurality of linear array support beam ends and one or more spiral helix rotor electromagnet commutator brush supports 2406.  In addition, joint 111 can include one or more rotor driveshaft absolute optical position encoders 2407 and one or more spiral helix motor pedestal supports 2408.

In FIG. 25, a partially assembled motor 2500 in accordance with the present invention is shown.  Motor 2500 includes a linear array electromagnet 2501 and a spiral helix array electromagnet 2502.  In addition, motor 2500 includes one or more rotor drive shaft absolute optical position encoders 2503 configured to control the movement of electromagnetism.  In the preferred embodiment, motor 2500 further includes a spiral helix rotor electromagnet commutator brush support 2504.  A linear support beam 2505 is shown, as well as a drive shaft rotor main support bearings 2506, drive shaft rotor thrust bearings 2507, rotor drive shaft bolted slip joints for assemble and disassembly 2508, and a spiral helix motor pedestal support 2509.

In FIGS. 26a-d, partially assembled views of a four section motor 2600 are shown.  It should be noted that dashed lines 1-4 indicate points of joining the various views of motor assembly 2600. The figures show a complete rotation of the spiral helix electromagnet array for the full 360 degrees of rotational coverage.  In these figures, 2604 and 2605 depict the spiral electromagnetic surface at the beginning of 0 degrees rotation to 90 degrees rotation, 2606 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 90 degrees rotation, 2607 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 180 degrees rotation, 2608 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 180 degrees rotation, 2609 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 270 degrees rotation, 2610 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 270 degrees rotation, and 2611 depicts the spiral electromagnetic surface at 360 degrees rotation. 

FIGS. 27 and 28 depict diagrams of a Digital Control Commutator (DCC) used in motor 100.  The DCC is designed to connect direct current to an electromagnet, reverse the direct current flow from one direction to the opposite direction, and control the power flow while under direct digital control.  The DCC includes three basic parts, a digital control stepper motor 2709, a rotational absolute angle detection sensor 2706, and a commutator 2716, while working in conjunction with a closed loop current flow detection sensor used as an electrical contact brush failure indicator 2820, and includes one or more DC current carbon metallic or equivalent contact brushes 2702.  The DCC energizes a direct current ferromagnetic core electromagnet 2701, Lines 2703 indicate splitting open the commutator cylinder 2705 for a plainer view.  Lines 2704 indicate the bi-rotational direction of cylinder 2705.  Commutator cylinder 2705 includes a non-conductive cylinder with conducting metallic inserts in a specific pattern to allow current flow to energized, de-energize, and reverse polarity as commutator 2705 rotates.  The DCC includes a power and signal connection 2707 for optical absolute encoder, and a power and control input 2708 for the stepper motor.  In addition, the DCC can include multiple connections 2710-2715 for directing current flow.

In FIG. 28, rows 2817 and 2819 of commutator contacts provide electrical connections for the direct current to flow in opposite directions from one another.  Row 2818 of commutator contacts is a non-connection null row configured to provide a non-connection stop/delay position for the commutator.   

The stepper motor is rotated under digital feedback control to energize an electromagnet with precise digital timing signals to create current flow in one direction, and then reverse the current flow in the opposite direction with precise digital control timing signals, additionally it has the ability to remain stationary in any current flow or non-current flow position.

The commutator is composed of a core material that has conducting metallic inserts in a pattern that creates segmented metallic rings around the commutator core.  The segmented rings are aligned to create parallel axial rows. The six segmented rings form two groups of three contact rings each. One group of contact rings is aligned to match the DC current input and output brushes, and the contact brush for one electromagnet coil lead wire and the other group of contact rings is aligned to match the DC current input, output brushes, and the contact brush for the other electromagnet coil lead wire.

The rows have three patterns as following, one row has six insert segments with no interconnections 2818, and thus does not provide a closed electrical connection. Two rows have four insert segments with two pairs of segments creating two closed electrical connections (2817, 2819) and thus current can flow through them. Those two groups of row patterns are alternated back and forth to create an alternating reversing current flow path, with the frequency of current reversal, and current supply, digitally controlled by rotational speed, rotational angle position, and rotational direction.

FIG. 29 depicts an operational sequence chart associated with the present invention.  Chart represents a spiral helix motor section that has been cut open, and laid out flat on a plain. The rectangle boxes represent the outside electromagnet linear arrays. (L1-L12) The ovals represent the underlying spiral helix magnet arrays. The spiral helix magnet arrays represented by the ovals, are rotating from the top, down to the bottom of the chart. The spiral helix magnet array creates a full time uninterrupted magnetic field. The magnetic polarity does not change, so the magnetic fields can be generated by constantly energized electromagnets, or permanent magnets.  When the ovals representing the spiral helix magnet arrays reach the bottom of the chart they will reappear back at the top of the chart and the cycle repeats.

The letter number combination on the left side indicated by ( L1 - L12 ) signifies Linear array 1, Linear array 2, ..., Linear array 12. The linear electromagnet arrays form the linear magnetic pulse by energizing, de-energizing, and reversing polarity in linear sequence. The letter number combination across the bottom of the figure ( R1 - R9 ) represent rings of electromagnets around the rotor formed by the linear electromagnet arrays. At position ( L1:R1 ) the rectangle box contains an "X", which indicates the electromagnet is de-energized. At position ( L2:R1 ) the rectangle box contains an "-", which indicates the electromagnet is energized, "South pole". At position ( L4:R1 ) the rectangle box contains an "+", which indicates the electromagnet is energized, "North pole". At position ( L3:R1 ) the rectangle box contains oval dashed lines representing the rotor magnet directly aligned with the linear electromagnet ring.

The electromagnetic sequenced pulse traverses from the right side of the chart, to the left side of the chart. The pulse is created by the Digital Control Commutator(s)(DCC) (Figs. 27, 28) energizing the electromagnets on the linear arrays in timed sequence to magnetically attract, and magnetically repulse, the magnets on the spiral helix magnet array. The timing of the sequence, and magnetic pulse, is dependent on the require operating performance of any given moment during operations. That is all under the control of the digital operating system. As the spiral magnet array rotates, the linear electromagnet arrays creates motion by magnetically interacting in the following ways:     At position (L3:R1), the rotor magnet is directly opposite the linear array magnet, and in that position the linear electromagnet is de-energized as the DCC rotates the contacts to the reverse polarity position. The length of time the linear magnet is de-energizes is dependent on the spiral helix motors current operating parameters, though the time is usually as short as possible while the rotor is revolving. The spiral helix magnet remains constant with the negative(south) magnetic polarity. The position (L2:R1), shows the negative(south) polarity repulsing the rotor magnet before it has been de-energized. The position (L4:R1), shows the positive(north) polarity electromagnet attracting the spiral helix rotor negative(south) polarity.

As the spiral helix rotor magnet turns past the direct linear electromagnet opposing position, at the position (L3:R2), the linear electromagnet is energized with a negative(south) polarity, repulsing the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. At position (L4:R2), the linear electromagnet is energized with a positive(north) polarity attracting the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. At position (L3:R3), the linear electromagnet is energized with a negative(south) polarity, with the spiral helix magnet at midpoint between linear array(L3:R3) and linear array(L4:R3), it repulses the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. At position (L4:R3), the linear electromagnet is energized with a positive(north) polarity attracting the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. At position (L3:R4), the linear electromagnet is energized with a negative(south) polarity, it repulses the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. With the spiral helix magnet almost rotated to the direct opposite position to the linear array(L4:R4), the linear electromagnet at position(L4:R4) is energized with a positive(north) polarity attracting the spiral helix magnet negative(south) polarity. All the spiral helix rotor magnets go through the same sequence as the positive(north) and negative(south) electromagnetic pulses travel down each linear electromagnet array. All magnetic polarities are dependent upon the design characteristics of the specific motor implementation.

In FIG. 30, an end view of an operating motor is shown, wherein a ring of electromagnets is represented by R1.

One of the unique features believed characteristic of the present invention is that in order to make a more powerful motor, is to simply increase the length of the motor. The diameter of the motor does not need to increase with increasing power, but only the length. It is done by using standardized components, while being built with linear, assembly line construction methods. A change required for longer or shorter motors though, is that the curve of the spiral helix magnet array needs to be changed to match the designed length of the motor. The designed voltage, and/or amps, and/or motor diameter, can remain constant for Spiral Helix Motors of different designed output power levels. The average energy density and thermal loads, does not increase with increasing power output levels. The motor output power capability, is mostly determined by the length of the spiral helix rotor. The main constraint on output power, is the inherent strength of the drive shaft components design, and material(s).

Another unique feature believed characteristic of the present invention, is the ability to operate with a single linear magnet array in operation, and with a single spiral helix magnet array on the rotor operating. It does not form an orbital magnetic path for each magnet node/slice/pole, but only a single magnetic pole reversal per revolution, per spiral helix rotor. It's operation is linear in nature. Depending on the design, a fully populated motor with linear electromagnet arrays covering the full 360 degrees available, creates a secondary virtual orbital pulse for each magnet node/slice/pole, as in the way a conventional orbital pulse motor functions.

    The Spiral Helix Motor operates under full digital control. As a result there is complete control of a Spiral Helix Motors operating parameters. Rotational control includes the following 1. Will start in any rotational position, in any direction, at any power/torque level from maximum to minimum. 2. The ability to initiate full reverse at maximum torque at any rotational speed. 3. The ability to hold any position. 4. The ability to apply graduated levels of torque and rotational speed. 5. The ability to apply maximum torque at maximum designed rotation speed. 6. The ability to have infinite variable rotational speed from zero to designed maximum rotation speed. 7. When negative back torque exceeds available positive torque, motor maintains maximum available torque, and rotates backwards until negative back torque drops below available positive torque, and then it rotates in the desired direction. It acts like a "shock" absorber. 8. The ability to function with a high percentage of electromagnets on the linear arrays disabled because of faults and/or programmed disability. The operational parameters are under full digital control, and rotational performance characteristics are determined by the end users desired power delivery needs.

The particular embodiments disclosed above are illustrative only, as the embodiments may be modified and practiced in different but equivalent manners apparent to those skilled in the art having the benefit of the instructions herein.  It is therefore evident that the particular embodiments disclosed above may be altered or modified, and all such variations are considered within the scope and spirit of the application.  Accordingly, the protection sought herein is as set forth in the description.  Although the present embodiments are shown above, they are not limited to just these embodiments, but are amenable to various changes and modifications without departing from the spirit thereof.


A spiral helix electromagnetic linear pulse motor includes a rotor, having a driveshaft; a first spiral magnetic core surrounding the rotor; linear electromagnetic assemblies surrounding the rotor, each having wire coils; and a second magnetic core; the wire coils surrounds the second magnetic core; linear support beams; connection joints; the linear support beams and linear electromagnetic assemblies alternate in positions around the rotor, thereby encompassing the rotor; the connection joints secures the linear support beams to the linear electromagnetic assemblies; a linear magnetic pulse travels down the linear electromagnetic assemblies parallel to the first magnetic core; the traveling of the linear magnetic pulse rotates the rotor; and rotation of the rotor creates rotational mechanical energy to be transferred via the driveshaft.



Research Project III

The Helix Induction Motor


Spiral Helix Solid State Linear Induction Motor


Large Scale Ship Water Jet Propulsion System


     The Helix Rotation Concept can be designed to operate as an induction motor using the same basic concept for magnetizing the rotor as any conventional induction motor.


     Operating Mode: Virtual induction motor. The spiral array is composed of an induction section squirrel cage with the conducting bars and electric steel layers perpendicularly aligned with the spiral helix curve.  The construct will be similar to a linear induction coil. It will have End Effects in the induction construct. They are at an angle to the linear array electromagnets. The linear arrays create a virtual rotating magnetic field inducing flux current into the rotor coils, magnetizing the rotor induction magnets. The induction cycle rotation speed is controlled by the frequency of the magnetic pulses traversing the linear arrays, not the cycle of the AC power. During start the linear array pulses are shorter than the entire array with the pulse starting and stopping just before and ending just after the rotor induction magnets within each linear arrays magnetic interaction zone. As the rotor builds up rotation the linear array pulses continue traversing across the linear array faster than the spiral array induction magnets can catch up continuing to create rotor induction magnet energizing.


     On three phase induction motors, the virtual magnetic field rotation has three steps creating the orbital magnetic field sweep. Those points are the natural resonant points creating the sweeping magnetic field. Those three points are used to sweep a reversing magnetic field over the rotor conductor bars to create the virtual magnetic pulse.


      On the Helix Induction Motor the magnetic sweep is created artificially under programming control. The Helix motor is a programmable device that can be operated in any way conceivable within its operational parameters. The linear array(s) magnetic pulse is programmed to transverse across the spiral array magnetic interaction zone, at a faster rate than the induction rotor spiral helix array construct can move. It creates a sweeping reversing magnetic field over the conductor surface, at the optimal angle, to create electron flux, thus magnetizing the rotor.


     The best analogy to understand the behavior of the helix induction motor magnetic field, is the circular computer controlled solenoid valves, water fall that are programmed to create a rotating falling water spiral. Even thought all the water falls in a straight linear fashion to the ground, it has the appearance, and apparent motion, of a rotating spiral. Imagine a device that uses falling linear magnetic pulse fields instead of water, I can create the same apparent motion of a rotating spiral helix. The linear electromagnetic arrays around the circumference of the spiral helix induction rotor, create the same effect as the magnetic pulses transverse across the linear arrays. The magnetic pulses on the linear arrays are composed of a north-south polar reversal sweeping across the rotor. The same effect is created in a axis orbiting manner by a conventional 3 phase induction motor




     There are xx magnetic peak points contained in a magnetic sweep. They include, but not all of the following for three magnetic interaction zones, all zones sweeping with north polarization,


Basic Operating Principles of Helix Induction Motor


     The linear arrays create rotating magnetic fields around the circumference and parallel to the axis simultaneously. It uses a 6 phase wave pulse, since there are 6 linear arrays magnetically interacting with the rotor induction construct at Top Dead Center. The Helix Induction Motor (HIM) uses a Linear Induction Construct (LIC) on the rotor and operates in a similar way as a linear induction motor, but producing rotational mechanical energy instead. The track the LIC follows is an inside circle.


     As the magnetic wave passes over the LIC it creates currents magnetizing the LIC, just as in any induction motor. The magnetizing effect will occur if just one linear array is operating creating torque.


     The Rotating Magnetic Field is created artificially by the digital timing of the electromagnet activation sequence along the linear electromagnetic arrays. The Rotating Magnetic Field is variable from zero to maximum thyristor switching speed. The maximum potential for the Helix Induction Motor is limited by the highest capacity Thyristor, with the ability to operate in the required switching frequency range (>0-7K+), and with long life reliability.


     The Helix Motor has been reconfigured to operate as an induction motor by changing the ratio of electromagnets to rotor linear induction surface. In the proposed design the ratio is 6 to 1 which allows a 6 phase wave across the induction construct. It can also be programmed to alter the waveform of the sweeping magnetic field. (1-4-1, 2-2-2, 3-3, 4-1-1, 5-1, etc)


Electromagnet Control Circuit


     An alternating current source of any phase is connected to two Thyristors, with one thyristor connected to a rectifier producing positive direction electron flow, with the other thyristor connected to a rectifier producing negative direction electron flow.


     From the time that the first DC motor was patented in the United States, to the time the first AC motor was patented, took 53 years to achieve. Due to the increasingly rapid pace of technological achievement today, that time span has been reduced to a few months for the Helix Motor. I have converted the Helix DC Motor into the Helix Induction Motor that uses AC power and has only has one moving part(the rotor) using current commercial technology. The barriers to implementing the DC motor have been removed, and the commercial Helix Induction Motor is now achievable that will meet all the high power projections given for the Helix DC Motor.

     I am not an electrical or mechanical engineer, but due to the simplicity of how to convert the Helix DC Motor into a Helix Induction Motor, it will be rapidly achieved by many engineers once the Helix Rotation Concept is recognized and understood.

     The Helix Induction Motor uses nodes composed of a rotor with a linear induction construct running in an inside circle track








My name is John Steven Aiken and I created the Helix Magnetic Engine and the Helix Electric Motor (DC and AC Induction). Humankind is at the beginning of the Magnetic Power Age. Humankind has discovered how to fully harness a basic component of the universe. A new perception and expansion of humankind understanding of the universe has been achieved. The Aikeon and the Trion discovery bring the human mind to a higher state of technological perceptual thought.


Humankind will now be able to create almost unlimited electrical energy. Each generation of human society will create more generation to add to previous generations efforts. The machines created will last and run for hundreds of years.